- Public Participation in the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Plan of Beichuan New Town    click here to open paper content219 kb
by    Jing, Feng | jamienico@hotmail.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
Through the planning after the earthquake, this paper will examine the particular nature, necessity and limitation of the ''birth'' of public participation in China, and its positive role in the process of urban planning and social democracy.
Public participation is important in modern urban planning process. This procedure can achieve a balance between the various actors as much as possible to protect all the rights of stakeholders, especially for local residents. In China, despite the introduction of relevant laws and regulations, public participation has not been effectively implemented in the planning process.
After the earthquake in May 2008, the socio-economic space of the disaster-stricken BeiChuan city in Sichuan province was completely destroyed and there are a large number of displaced victims. Time is running out for relocation. However, the government, experts and local people have differing views on the redevelopment site. The heat, disease, and secondary disasters are threats that may explode at any time. CAUPD took decisive manner of public participation. 95% of the public agreed on the decision to relocate for reconstruction, the planning work was carried out smoothly. This success has laid a good foundation not only for the public participation that is occurring in every subsequent stage of planning, but also eventually opened up a new way for planning in post-disaster or classical planning in China.
Although the public participation of post-quake has its own specialty, but the methods and technical measures is meaningful reference, it is also exploring the transformation of urban planning and the process of social-democratic in China.
public participation, Bottom-up
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