- Planning Support by PSS: an inventory   click here to open paper content22 kb
by    Geertman, Stan & null, null & null, null | S.Geertman@geog.uu.nl   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
Abstract for Isocarp Conference in September 2001, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Title: Planning Support by PSS: an inventory

In our contribution we would like to present some of the main outcomes of an Internet-based inventory on Planning Support Systems (PSSs), that refers to the diversity of geotechnology tools, which are primarily developed to support planning processes both in terms of derivation and evaluation of alternative futures.
An assessment of planning practice at the beginning of the 21st century suggests, rather depressingly, that the adoption and use of geotechnology tools (geographical information and spatial modelling systems) is far from widespread and far from being effectively integrated into the planning process. Moreover, people at a diversity of scientific, research and/or planning institutions worldwide are involved in the development, testing and application of a whole range of PSS, which will without doubt result in overlapping work. At the same time, the planning community has little idea of where to look for instruments, advice and support for PSS, beyond the employment of expensive consultants.
The content of our paper presentation will start with a sketch of the current role/position of geotechnology tools within current planning practice. From that it will be concluded that this role is foremost rather one-sided: widely applied for two main tasks: geo-data management and the production of nice colour maps. However, these tools are scarcely applied for more sophisticated forms of planning support, e.g., especially for design- and/or research tasks within planning. From that conclusion some real-world examples of so-called PSS in practice will be shown which are attuned precisely on the proposed planning design or research tasks. Moreover, the first – still tentative – results of our Internet based inventory on PSS in practice will be shown and some conclusions will be drawn (a more elaborated overview of results and conclusions will be presented in the book by Stan Geertman & John Stillwell ‘Planning Support Systems in practice’, which will be published by Springer Publishers at the end of 2001 or the beginning of 2002).
John Stillwell and myself have performed the mentioned Internet based inventory on PSS in practice from summer 2000 on (please see www.nexpri.nl, and then click on PSS-inventory). As a result of this inventory we received about fifty contributions from all over the world of different kinds of PSSs that are applied within planning practice, in particular land use planning.
The position of this paper will be best suited for the Marketplace Session, in which the planned Computer Aided Planning sequence seems to me very appropriate.

Dr. Stan Geertman
(Associate professor geo-information science Utrecht University &
Director NexpRI – Netherlands Center of Geographical Information)
NexpRI – Utrecht University
Heidelberglaan 2
3508 TC Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. ++31.30.2534527
Email: S.Geertman@geog.uu.nl

Keywords: GIS; Planning Support Systems (PSS); Physical Planning.
In our contribution we would like to present some details concerning an Internet-based inventory on Planning Support Systems (PSSs). PSS refers to the diversity of geotechnology tools, which are primarily developed to support planning processes both in terms of rivation and evaluation of alternative futures. These details concern the aim, context, rationale, set-up and first tentative results of this inventory.
-Planning, computer-aided,
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