- Petrol South: Case study on Process Management and Consensus Building    click here to open paper content381 kb
by    Teughels, Philippe | philippe.teughels@stad.antwerpen.be   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
Fail and success factors of process management in spatial redevelopment. Conclusions from an empirical confrontation of the theoretical model of process management with the case study of the consensus building for Petroleum South.
In 2002 the city of Antwerp started a process for the redevelopment of the Brownfield called Petroleum South. The redevelopment of this area is a task which neither the city, neither the different owners of parts of the area could accomplish themselves. Different circumstances such as soil pollution, ownership, involvement of different levels of government, … add up to a complex network of mutual dependency between different involved actors. This makes an integral approach and joined effort necessary.

The final goal of the process being the successful redevelopment of Petroleum South, the first milestone would be to achieve, by means of process management, consensus on the desired use for the site, between the major involved shareholders: the Belgian railway company NMBS, the Port Authority, the Flemish government and the city of Antwerp.

The individual interests (and assets) of each of the process partners where clearly identified in the beginning of the process. The expectations where that the result of the process through collaboration, would be a development which could create a win-win situation, exceeding the realisation of each of the individual interests, and adding surplus value which none of the partners could have achieve on their own efforts.

From the very start of the process it became clear that the (conflicts of) interests of the different key-actors strongly hypothecated the consensus-building. Today the conclusion is that the process did not achieve the expected result. The report of the process reads as a accumulation of good intentions, impressive studies, friction, frustrations, changes of course, …

In confronting, in an empirical approach, the case-study of the process of consensus building for Petroleum South, with the theoretical model of process management, conclusions are put forward describing factors of failure and success of process management as an instrument of urban control in spatial redevelopment.
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