- Problems and Possibilities for steering urban Sprawl in Serbia    click here to open paper content1076 kb
by    Maksin-Micic, Marija | micic70a@yahoo.com; mmmicic@singidunum.ac.yu   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
In order to achieve any success in steering urban sprawl the focus should be laid on the efficiency of a settlement network at the functional urban area to achieve a more efficient control of urban sprawl in peripheral urban zones.
The brief review of urbanization, urban restructuring and urban sprawl, and of their consequences on urban system development in Serbia has been given. With unplanned and unregulated development of peripheral town zones, there have occurred the whole rings and agglomerations encircling towns of Serbia. The main reason for appearance and growth of such zones can be found in an intensive postwar idustrialization, while radial access road routes to towns have provided the main condition for urban sprawl. The paper points out that we ought to be realistic about how to overcome the ongoing tendencies of urban sprawl. Realistic seams the option of steering those tendencies in more suitable and sustainable way. The key question is about the differences in the quality of life between the central and peripheral town zones, and in comparison to their rural surrounding. The second question is about the problems of rehabilitation of built up areas, and of gaining balance between spreading built up areas and protecting open spaces of the peripheral town zones. In the paper the possibilities that concepts of polycentric urban system, functional urban areas and transport corridors development proposed by Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia offer for steering urban sprawl have been pointed out. The paper ananlyses the planning concepts and options for sustainable development of functional urban area, and for urban center and its peripheral zone growth control at the cases of two municipalities in Serbia. The possible measures for rehabilitation and arrangement of peripheral town zones have beeen pointed out.
urban sprawl i n Serbia, peripheral town zone, quality of life, steering urban sprawl, rehabilitation and arrangement of peripheral town zone
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