- Establishing Urban Growth Boundaries Using Geosimulation for Land Use Control. For paper please email to longying1980@gmail.com.   click here to open paper content7 kb
by    Long, Ying & Mao, Qizhi & Dang, Anrong | longying1980@gmail.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
In this paper, a methodology using constrained cellular automata based Geosimulation is proposed to support the establishment of urban growth boundaries (UGBs). We argue the UGBs in the master plan can be improved by applying our approach.
As an effective tool to curb urban sprawl, UGBs (urban growth boundaries) have been studied worldwide. The planned urban construction boundaries in China can be defined as Chinese UGBs with implementation mechanisms similar to their counterparts in western countries. The methods to establish UGBs in previous Chinese literature were not based on sound scientific analysis and especially lacked quantitative analysis. In this paper, a methodology using constrained cellular automata (CC-CA) is proposed to support the establishment of UGBs. Comparing with traditional methods for establishing UGBs, CC-CA takes into account more factors related to urban growth, and can develop an effective spatio-temporal dynamic simulation influenced by various urban development policies. Using the Beijing Municipal Area as a case study, UGBs were developed for the central city, new cities and small towns. The results suggest that there was a significant difference between the proposed UGBs established through CC-CA and those applied in the previous city master plans. We argue that the existing UGBs in the master plan could be improved by taking into account the results of the CC-CA simulation. For paper please email to longying1980@gmail.com.
Cellular automata, UGBs, Constraint, Urban growth simulation, Construction restricted area, Beijing
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