- ''The Planning of the Olympic Complex in Faliron Coastal Zone and it's Post-Olympic Use''. 206 kb | by Mentos, Stavros | smentos@hotmail.com |
Short Outline |
Taking into consideration the demands of an event such as the Olympic Games, a complete planning has been elaborated in Faliron bay for the Olympic and Post-Olympic phase |
Abstract |
Placed on the southern edge of Attica Region, Faliron Coastal Zone has been selected as one of the most important poles for the Olympic Project of Athens 2004 Olympic Games. On the same time Faliron wider area is one of the few remaining open places of Athens agglomeration and could potentially be developed to a 'green zone' for the Metropolis of Athens.
Geographically Faliron bay is the main access of Athens city to the sea side and to Piraeus port. This historical access functioning from ancient greek years has been terminated when a major coastal avenue parallel to the coastal front has been constructed on early 70's. The construction of this avenue not only resulted the isolation of the bay itself from the urban issue, but also the deterioration of the coastal area which ended in as a place for deposing debris. On the other hand the construction of this avenue converted the area to one of the most important crossroads in Athens city.
Taking all these facts into consideration, a complete planning has been elaborated combining the Olympic and the Post-Olympic period with the reestablishment of the natural connection between the urban tissue and the sea, as well with the creation of a water-front Metropolitan Park.
This water-front Metropolitan Park will be a venue for recreation, sporting, culture and other events of a socially beneficial nature.
Over-all the Olympic Project in Faliron coastal area takes into consideration the following parameters:
- sustainability of the project. - diminution of the environmental consequences. - preservation of the elements of historical and architectural inheritance. - protection of the basic elements of landscape of Faliron bay. - diminution of the consequences on the human environment (land uses, economical and social characteristics, facilities, services and infrastructure. - protection and improvement of physical environment (land, sea, eco-systems). - amelioration of the aesthetics of Faliron bay area (image of the city, quality of life). - harmonic transition from the Olympic to the Post-Olympic period. - incorporation to the urban tissue. - rehabilitation of the linear front. - reestablishment of the access to the coastal zone.
Specifically after the completion of the planning (Post-Olympic phase), the proposed area will serve the needs of the neighbouring municipalities and will support in the future services of recreation, cultural and sports activities for the entire agglomeration of Athens.
The Faliron coastal area after 2004 Olympic Games will have an entirely different appearance, with wide green zones and free spaces surrounding the main core of the ecological - metropolitan park.
The already environmentaly stressed area will be reliefed by the implementation of the project. The project will regenerate the intermediate area between the centre of Athens and the port of Piraeus.
Finally the above planning will reinforce one of the few existing competitive advantages that the metropolis of Athens possess, which is the relation between the citizens and the sea.
What makes it interesting for the participants?
Athens 2004 Olympic Games will be the most important 'Big Bang' event for the metropolis of Athens. The planning of the Olympic Complex in the Faliron Coastal Zone and it's post-olympic use is a significant case indicating how the transition from the olympic to the post-olympic phase could be compatible with environmental sustainable development. |
Keywords |
Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2002: The Pulsar Effect
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