- Participatory planning in the era of public-private-partnerships: complexities and contradictions in a migrant city in India   click here to open paper content217 kb
by    Chatterji, Thagatha | tatchatterji@gmail.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
This paper explores the role of planning in bridging the gap between local
rural residents and
new urban middleclass and poor migrants in the context of globalisation.
This paper explores how local political factors, rural-urban divide and
conflicts between multiple tiers of government, impact participation of the
migrant communities in the urban planning and governance process in a
dynamic urban region, through a case study of Gurgaon, India. In two
decades Gurgaon transformed from being a small agricultural town at the
outer periphery of Delhi, to Northern India’s premier corporate destination
and a global hub for the outsourcing industry. The new city is largely made
up of migrants from all over India. However, this largely unplanned, market
driven, rapid urban makeover has also created a complex settlement pattern
marked by overlapping layers of socio-spatial relations. The everyday
tensions and contradictions of this transitional journey, which came out
sharply with the formation of a new municipal corporation, form the
immediate backdrop the study.
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