by    Kumar Raut, Sandeep & null, null & null, null | sandeep59@go.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
Abstract for Young Planner Workshop (from 12 - 15 September 2001)

My contribution on Implication of Information Technology on Spatial
Planning in India

It will be interesting for participants because this paper attempts
to analysis the changing nature of planning in information age in India
and its implications on city structure and concept of planning.

The information and communication revolution will have a far-reaching
effect on Urban and Regional Planning than any other current influence
affecting the destiny of the human habitat. Information technology
revolution is changing human behavior and a new life style is emerging
with a different pattern of living, working, entertaining and teaching.
This pattern is changing in the system of management, governance, health
care, banking, commerce and education. The processes, techniques and
approach of spatial planning and development are also undergoing changes.
Not only the effect will be evident in the rural and urban landscape of
India but also conduct of urban and rural planning and management will
undergo grater changes. What would these changes be? It will be my
endeavor in this contribution to look at implication of information
technology on spatial planning in India. This is achieved first by
discussing how the planning practice is changing, followed by
understanding the changing nature of the profession of urban and regional
planning in the information technology in India and issues and imperative
of planning though information technology. Then I will explore the
implication of information technology on city structure; urban transport,
urban plan formulation and education training. I will end my contribution
with the conclusion that the Informational functional boundaries of
cities will probably vanish but planning of cities through information
technology spatial planning will mark the boundaries of cities for
preparation of development plans and will continue to serve the basic
objective of planned design and development.

I am involved with Planning Organization's project on development of
small and medium towns through spatial planning and impact of modern
technology on these towns.

I proposed session 2, ''Dynamic Networks and Floating Nodes'' for my
IT will shrunk the space by eliminating the factor of time and distance but will make urban activities to sprawl and contribute to further sub-urbanization. This paper is an attempt to analysis the changing nature of planning in information age in India and its implications on city structure, urban transport, urban management and education.
Information Technology, Spatial Planning, Urban Structure
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