- Future Growth centres on nodes in a multimodal network 23 kb | by Sanders, F. M & null, null & null, null | Y.E.deHaan@CiTG.TUDelft.NL |
Short Outline |
Accessibility is an important criterion for the allocation of housing , commercial activities and public facilities. In urban areas most of the business districts are characterised by a mono-modal accessibility inherent to the existing transport system. In urban planning the scope should be focussed on the integration of landuse and transport, so new growth centres will be developed with a first-rate multimodal accessibility. Doing so, the spatial transformation of urban areas will be stimulated. In a study for the Deltametropolis (western part of the Netherlands) the integration of landuse and transportation has been demonstrated. The existing transportation system will be completed by a transrapid system (Siemens) that interconnects future growth centres. The future growth centres are situated on the nodes of the highway network. These consist of transferia which are connected with the central railway stations by people movers (see figure 1). Within the proposed system seamless mobility will be facilitated by linking the highway network with the networks of the existing railway and the planned transrapid.
The Deltametropolis study will be presented in a paper as well as during a short presentation. The paper can be summarised as: - introduction, problem analysis and planning approach; - the concept of the transportation system; - alignment and spatial design; - growth centres within the network of infrastructure; - seamless multimodal mobility; - planning of infrastructure and real-estate development; - cost/benefit analysis - conclusions - discussion
The author is Professor of Infrastructure at Delft University of Technology and advisor of the Deltametropolis Association. |
Abstract |
In urban planning the scope should be more focussed on the integration of landuse and transportation to enable the development of new growth centres with a first-rate multimodal accessibility. Doing so, the spatial transformation of urban areas will be stimulated as well. In a study for Deltametropolis – the western part of the Netherlands - the integration of landuse and transportation has been demonstrated. The existing transportation system will be completed by the high speed Transrapid system (Siemens) that interconnects new growth centres along the existing highways and adjacent to the old centres. |
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Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2001: Honey, I Shrunk the Space
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