- Integrating the City – A third Solution for Lisbon City Periphery    click here to open paper content683 kb
by    Craveiro, Teresa & da Costa-Lobo, Manuel | rnunes@civil.ist.utl.pt   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The periphery of Lisbon is changing and previous plans do not fit socially and ecologically on that border. A new solution was asked to overcome the issues and to conciliate the Lisbon strategic plan with the policy for the Historical Centre Rehabilitation.

Municipal peripheries are very often badly structured, mainly due to a lack of coordination between municipalities, not assuming the actual growth of urban areas beyond their boundaries.
Ancient plans of Lisbon City suggested the location of an urban park at the extreme northwest of the municipality. On the contiguous land, belonging to the neighbour municipality, some disordered illegal housing was settled and the place becomes less acceptable for the initial idea. Bit by bit other uses were accepted – a cemetery for Lisbon, a solid waste treatment area and to the north a golf course with some houses.
A circular road for Lisbon periphery was also planned to that place.
The result was the disintegration on the side of the compact urban fabric existing in Lisbon.
Different plans emerge meanwhile to occupy the zone remaining area. Conflicting ideas, not convincing, were based on two main proposed solutions – A and B. (A very dense occupation, B with a rural type of settlement).
The Strategic Planning Department for Lisbon, facing the issue, a study to look for suggested a 3rd solution and a new plan was launched to look for it. Not A, not B, not a compromise between the two. Just a 3d solution table presented and explained was approved by the municipality. The 3rd solution.
qualification, mediation and strategy
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