- Impact of “our time” symbols - globalization and IT technology - for city space. (How do city is changing in the time of globalization and IT technology) 36 kb | by Kostka, Anna & null, null & null, null | re_konsultant@poczta.wp.pl |
Short Outline |
Nowadays one of the main aspects of mankind progress are globalization and IT technology. Those have already changed our lives and had strong impact on space around us. This changed our perception for place to life, place to work or entertainment. I would like to research the above and present how do planners can interfere into these processes in regards of polish law.
Proposed schedule 1. Positive and negative aspect of globalization and IT 2. A description of historical feature of city of Gdansk (young democracy, young local government structure, shaping of social perception) 3. Problem of the city of Gdańsk with some of space processes being results of globalization and IT (housing, commercial, industry, communication, infrastructure) 4. Polish Spatial Law 5. The planners role
Abstract |
Gdańsk faces major city-planning problems, ascribed to economical, political, historical or social situation, the influence of globalization on such problems being lost of sight. The issues of the paper are to give a few proposals for Gdańsk to keep the place it deserves on the „global map” of the world. |
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Case Study presented on the ISOCARP Congress 2001: Honey, I Shrunk the Space
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