- Preserving the Environment: Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP): An Example of Collaborative Governance Structure    click here to open paper content245 kb
by    Rustemoglu, Gulsum & Fromer, Paul | grustemoglu@recon-us.com   click here to send an email to the auther(s) of this paper
Short Outline
The Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) is a comprehensive habitat conservation planning program for San Diego County. The MSCP preserves a network of habitat and open space, protecting
biodiversity and enhancing the region's quality of life. This program provides an economic benefit by reducing constraints on future development and decreasing the costs of compliance with federal and state
laws protecting biological resources.
This topic discusses a critical global issue, habitat degradation. The participants will learn about an effective program developed to protect the habitat while encouraging economic development.



Environmental protection is among the key factors that will assist in managing urban regions effectively. According to the latest studies expressed in European Union’s press release, an estimated 80% of the original forest that covered the Earth 8,000 years ago has been cleared, damaged, or fragmented. This is a significant sign of the environmental degradation occurring globally. The objective of this case study is to present and analyze a new plan, the Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP), initiated by the City of San Diego in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and adopted by other local governments in the San Diego region to integrate the conservation of natural habitat with urban planning. The MSCP is unique in the United States, and is being carefully followed by many states and cities. The MSCP identifies priority areas for conservation and other areas for future development to streamline existing permit procedures for development projects within impact habitat.
The MSCP focuses on a critical global problem, habitat degradation, and provides a new effective tool designed to stop the loss of biodiversity while encouraging economic development. The initiative of the MSCP with an emphasis on its implementation structure as well as the political role and function of the partnering agencies will constitute the basis of this study.

In regards to the application of the MSCP on a regional level, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is developing San Diego’s Regional Comprehensive Plan. This comprehensive plan intends to apply smart growth principles, and recognizes the importance of environmental protection. The plan interconnects land use and transportation goals while preserving the MSCP boundaries within all of the jurisdictions in the region. Hence, this collaborative effort of the region demonstrates that the city provides a powerful model to other cities and countries for balancing habitat conservation with urban uses. This new and innovative approach will provide powerful guidelines to the congress participants by presenting an effective collaboration of public and private entities in regards to the implementation of the MSCP. Simply, the MSCP highlights that economic development is achievable while protecting the valuable environment on a regional scale.
Environment, Conservation Plan, Colleboration
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